MITK welcome arc

Oct 11

Yes this it the giant welcome arc of MITK kundapur...

chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india
chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india
chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india
chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india
Thanks Guys for seeing them, I would love to hear some comments. More coming on this blog..any of the college mates who wish to be an wuthor here can drop a comment i shall respond back.. Thank You :)

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Please note the above snaps are original and please i request who ever wants to download them then please do give credit to me.



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is this mood la katte!

Oct 11

OK guys If you're an MITK ian then obviously you'll recognize these snaps yes they are... the snaps were taken behind the guys hostel on a cloudy day and yep edited in photoshop . Drop some comments please.
chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,indiachethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india

chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india
chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,indiachethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india
chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india

chethans best photographs,moodlakatte,kundapur,india

Thanks Guys for seeing them, I would love to hear some comments. More coming on this blog..any of the college mates who wish to be an wuthor here can drop a comment i shall respond back.. Thank You :)

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Please note the above snaps are original and please i request who ever wants to download them then please do give credit to me.



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MITK world

Oct 09

OK guys I've always seen some institutions having a well maintained blog mostly run by the students so i thought why don't i start one too ;) ok now do your college work and spread this news about this blog to all the MITK ians... Lets rock!

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